Saturday, 31 July 2010

Talking Cats and Riddling Hatters.

I know I've said it before, but there's something about the story of Wonderland, about the girl some overcome with curiosity that she allows herself to fall down the rabbit-hole and find a world where everything is nonsense. After all, don't we all wish for nonsense to be plausible sometimes? So that all the things that aren't could be, and won't would be? We wish and we dream, for things that may be out of reach or even impossible, but it doesn't stop us wanting, or trying to find ways for the things to happen. Sometimes, I think we all want our own Wonderland, complete with talking cats and riddling Hatters.
Just because.

Monday, 26 July 2010


There are moments in life when suddenly everything makes sense, when everything we've ever wanted comes to us, and recently I've been thinking about when this happens, and what the correct response to this should be. I'm fairly sure a cynical approach, complete with raised eyebrows and questions about what strings could possibly be attached, is not the right way to go. I can't help it, years of things always coming at a cost have taught me lessons I always felt I was too young to learn, despite now thinking they are some of the most valuable things to have happened to me.
I don't know what to do, because no matter how much I try and kid myself, I don't know what I want. I know what I miss, and I know what the right thing to do would be. But that doesn't make my decision any easier and so now I consider hiding away, with cups of sweet tea and many, many books until this all goes away and everything gets better.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

i'll wear it as a beard instead.

It's official. My sister is a little bit more than weird. While undertaking a massive clearout of our room, I came across a pirate eye patch that I knew she would appreciate. Problem: the elastic wouldn't go around her head. Her solution: wear it as a beard. And I kid you not, she wore the thing around her face, attached to her chin, for the next hour, stroking it thoughtfully and declaring aloud that she loved her beard. It would all make sense if you knew her.
Despite many distractions, including a beating with a pillow by my brother early this morning, I am all packed for my trip tomorrow. I am more than a little excited. Although I am slightly alarmed at the rate of which the summer is passing. At least the ridiculous heat has passed for a few days. I didn't think I could take much more.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Easily Amused, Temporarily Pleased.

The sun has gone but the heat remains, and it's not fun. I am, however, enjoying the rain, and sitting by the window listening to the wind and what has the potential to become stormy weather. I've been spending money left, right and centre and all I have to show for it is an ever expanding pile of books that are going to be more than a little difficult to transport to the house when moving day comes around in just a few short weeks. (Current read: Jane Austen's Persuasion.) Spending time with the family was unexpectedly fun, as was further catch-ups with all friends, and lying on the floor listening to Stevie Wonder's greatest hits. Easily amused, temporarily pleased.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Days Like These.

Currently, life is slow. Aside from spending the best part of Friday afternoon helping my little sister get ready for her prom, little worth noting has actually happened. I've seen friends, caught up on the TV I missed when at uni, and spent many hours in the company of words written by others. It seems, though, that there is only so much time you can spend in the place you used to call home before you remember that you don't live there anymore.