A year is a long time. 12 months. 4 seasons. Countless nights out, hours of conversation, masses of tears, uncountable laughing fits and too many words that can never be taken back. So much can happen in a year; today is A Level results day and I think back to myself this time last year, full of celebration and excitement at knowing I'd achieved my dream and got where I wanted to be. That day doesn't seem like a year ago, but when I think about everything I've learnt, experienced and all of the people I've met, it really has been that long. Time has just passed at an accelerated rate.
What I've been thinking is about how much has happened that I never thought would. Three things in particular that I won't go into, but they are by far some of the best (and in one instance, in an odd way, the worst) things I have ever done. I don't believe in regrets, I believe in looking back objectively and knowing their was a reason why you did what you did, and that should be enough. I've always prided myself on having a good memory, and it never fails me at the moment. Never. Especially when I'm alone and have too much time to think. And what I remember, is silence, broken only by the sound of breathing and the beating of a heart.
Letting someone take your hand is a dangerous thing to do.