Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Little April Showers?

This month has been a slow one, but extremely fast at the same time. Two weeks in the house out of term time turned into epic study sessions in the library, with two and a bit essays complete by the time I was ready to come home for the final two weeks of the holiday. Now, with only 1000 words (or thereabouts) to go, I am beginning to realise that April is coming to a close, which means May is almost here. May, this year at least, signals deadlines, exams and the end of my teenage years. So I am sat here, wondering where the days have gone, and I am finding the answers in the pile of books in the corner and the many thousands of words alredy written.

Recently, my favourite time wasting activity is to trawl through the many pages of, which one of my housemates introduced me to a few weeks ago. Going through all of the pictures gets me thinking, and lately there have been a few recurring thoughts:

- I want book shelves that stretch across an entire wall, filled with all of my favourite books and all of the books I hope to read in the future.

- There has been a distinct lack of rain this April, which means I haven't had the opportunity to sing "drip drip drop, little april showers..."

- I want a dress that will flare outwards when I spin around in circles, which I tend to do regularly when alone.

{Images from weheartit}

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Small Incentives.

I've realised that in order to trawl through the masses of books and linguistic journals that need to be read so that I can have two essays done in the next two weeks, I need to surround myself with things that make me happy and amuse me, without being too much of a distraction. I found these things in the shape of scented candles, snack food, cups of tea (any tea, anywhere),nail varnish, trashy movies and pizza. I realise that painting my nails was a significant distraction, but I had been working constantly for nearly 3 hours so granted myself a half an hour break. As for pizza and trashy movies - it is the perfect end to a day of research and essay planning, especially the combination we went for this evening: Domino's and 'Bring It On'.

[Smells amazing.]

[Tea break between seminars and tutor meetings.]

[A little experiment.]

[Delicious - although majorly unhealthy.]