Sunday, 4 September 2011

I Ask The Impossible.

I stumbled across this poem by accident and fell in love with it instantly. I thought it was, without a doubt, worth sharing.

I ask the impossible: love me forever.
Love me when all desire is gone.
Love with the single mindedness of a monk.
When the world in its entirety,
and all that you hold sacred advise you
against it: love me still more.
When rage fills you and has no name: love me.
When each step from your door to our job tires you --
love me; and from job to home again, love me, love me.
Love me when you're bored --
when every woman you see is more beautiful than the last,
or more pathetic, love me as you always have:
not as admirer or judge, but with
the compassion you save for yourself
in your solitude.
Love me as you relish your loneliness,
the anticipation of death,
mysteries of the flesh, as it tears and mends.
Love me as your most treasured childhood memory --
and if there is none to recall --
imagine one, place me there with you.
Love me withered as you loved me new.
Love me as if I were forever --
and I, will make the impossible
a simple act,
by loving you, loving you as I do."

- Ana Castillo, 'I Ask The Impossible: Poems'.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Hello World.

I acknowledged a long time ago that one of my biggest flaws is that I overanalyse everything. I like to have a plan, sometimes drawn out years in advance to when anything can take place, and when things don't fall into place, I panic. I love university, and with only a year left I realise that it truly has been the time of my life and that I wish it could go on forever. Alongside these thoughts come panic, the 'what-ifs' of what is to come next, the job I want and everything else for the rest of my life. I know nothing falls into place and that you have to work for everything you want. I am believe with my entire being that we all have a place and a purpose, and we just have to wait for that to be realised. I am still waiting to figure out what exactly that purpose is for me, where I belong and what I am meant to do, as I currently feel like I am going round in circles, but until then, this song is making unbelievably happy and optimistic.