Combining two of my favourite things (being pink in colour and being covered in glitter) I feel angry at these cakes every time I see them. How dare they look so amazing when I can't have one? It's not fair.
"ONE THING I AM NEVER GOING TO DO WHEN I GROW UP Is fall in love, drop out of college, learn to subsist on water and air, have a species named after me, and ruin my life." - Nicole Krauss: The History of Love
Fryn likes trees :)
I'm sitting on the floor and I look about five...Go go me :)
I also like trees :)
I call this 'Fryn in Wonderland'. I just really like it.
The best of about 4082309430294392 attempts.
This walk lasted all of an hour but it was FUN. More than anything this semester I have learnt that you don't need money or alcohol to have a good time. I know that at times it might seem like they may help but I've realised that some of the best times you'll have and the best memories you'll make come from just being around people who make you smile, whether that's out drinking and dancing or sitting in someone's room until gone 3.30 am. At the moment, my preference is the latter. Because I may be exhausted the next day, but I also won't be throwing up, declaring that I will never drink again and I'll sure as hell remember everything I got up to.