My attempts to get back into a routine are failing. I can't sleep no matter what time I go to bed, I end up sitting on bed with a pen and paper, writing for hours. The worst thing is, what I'm writing is irrelevant to everything else. I'm wasting time, reading things totally unrelated to me course, scribbling on scraps of paper, listening to music that reminds me of nights out and painting my nails green (my new favourite thing to do). The problem is that I want to work, but one of the other things that walked out of my life recently is concentration. I feel I should go on a quest to hunt it down and force it back into my life. Otherwise the new plan might fall apart.
This week has been good though. Girls night, which resulted in 20 girls gathered in our living room, some slightly improved lectures, a definite lack of work, a 'collective cold', an eventful night out in town, and far too much excitement at the new series of X Factor.
This is an almost pointless post, as I have so much I want to say and I am saying none of it. So I'm going to post this, and go to bed.
"Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it." ~Vincent Van Gogh, 1889