Is fall in love, drop out of college, learn to subsist on water and air, have a species named after me, and ruin my life." - Nicole Krauss: The History of Love
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live in a musical, if we could spontaneously burst into song and have a musical number when having an extreme emotional time, whether that being ecstatically happy or completely miserable. If I could sing and these things were possible, this would be my song of choice right now.
It sums up my feelings and I think it is hauntingly beautiful. ♥
You said I was the most exotic flower Holding me tight in our final hour
I don't know how you convince them and get them, but I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable And I don't know how you get over, get over Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you
One for the money, and two for the show I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go How did you get that way? I don't know You're screwed up and brilliant, Look like a million dollar man, So why is my heart broke?
You got the world but baby at what price? Something so strange, hard to define
It isn't that hard boy to like you or love you I'd follow you down down down, You're unbelievable If you're going crazy just grab me and take me I'd follow you down down down, anywhere anywhere
One for the money, two for the show I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go How did you get that way? I don't know You're screwed up and brilliant, Look like a million dollar man, So why is my heart broke?
One for the money, two for the show I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go How did you get that way? I don't know You're screwed up and brilliant, Look like a million dollar man, So why is my heart broke?
I don't know, You're screwed up and brilliant, Look like a million dollar man, So why is my heart broke?
I am starting to really look forward to the next few months. There are a lot of big birthdays coming up (including my own), graduation, I am attending two balls as well as a girls holiday this summer, working, and maybe a bit of spontaneous travel around the country. Whatever happens, I imagine it is all going to be a time to remember!
I recently watched Casablanca, as it is one of those films I have heard so much about and thought it was about time I saw. Even though it was a bit slow and the ending angered me (I felt like it wasn't romantic enough, whereas my friend insisted he was the ultimate romantic hero) I did enjoy it and my favourite line, "we'll always have Paris", held a significance for me (not about Paris, merely the sentiment), as well as it being one of my new favourite nail varnish colours (one of OPI's best).
One of my favourite movies ever is 'The Notebook'. I read the book but there is something so beautiful about the filming of the movie, of seeing the relationship between Allie and Noah in motion, that makes me smile and get teary no matter how many times I watch it. As a result, I can't choose one quote from the movie, so I have decided to post a few of my favourites:
"Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone."
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."
"I am no one special. Just a common man with common thoughts. I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but in one respect I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough."
"She had come back into his life like a sudden flame; blazing and streaming into his heart. Noah stayed up all night contemplating the certain agony he knew would be his if he were to lose her twice. "
By following the variations section of the Victoria Sandwich recipe in Nigella's 'How To Be A Domestic Goddess', I made a Rum Cherry Coffee Cake earlier this week. I used rum cherry flavoured coffee in the mixture, and then used vanilla buttercream as the filling for the sandwich and I am more than happy with the results!
I love cake, in pretty much any form. As well as eating cook, I love making cakes - sponge sandwiches, cupcakes, cheesecakes...YUM. In a dream world, I would love to get enough practice in and be good enough to open my own little bakery, which would serve an assortment of delicious treats and various teas and coffees. This is all wishful thinking, of course, because in reality I have already chosen the career I want, and in another dream world I would also be a author, spending all of my time writing. But for today I will daydream about cakes and tea, and satisfying my own sweet tooth as well as others.
My closest friends and I are all a bit weird and have our little quirks that outsiders might find a bit strange. However, the fact that we all accept it means that our friendships all work quite well.
"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." — Bernard Meltzer
I am so wonderfully useless and busy these days that I have already messed up my attempt to post a quote everyday for a month. I will not be defeated, I will get to the end of this challenge, it just may take a little longer than 30 days.
"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death." -Roger Fulgham, All I Really Need to Know I Learnt in Kindergarten
“Humans are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war, and kisses with lips. So in a way, the more you kiss with lips, the more human you are. And the more you wage war.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
"I haven't any right to criticise books, and I don't do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticise Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Everytime I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone." - Mark Twain; Letter to Joseph Twichell, 13 September 1898
This month I wanted to set myself some kind of challenge. I have set myself a writing challenge, that I may eventually share on here, but for now I am going to set myself a challenge where everyday I am going to post a quote, as I am always scrawling them down and I have notebooks and scraps of paper everywhere that are absolutely covered in the words of others. How well I stick to this remains to be seen.
I spent this afternoon baking, just for the fun of it. Using the two new books I have recently acquired - Mary Berry's '100 Cakes and Bakes' and Nigella Lawson's 'How To Be A Domestic Goddess'. I find baking extremely enjoyable, and luckily my housemates seemed to enjoy eating the final results. The banana bread, along with a cup of tea, made the perfect evening snack when some of us gathered in the kitchen for a bit of a chat.
This week has been rather busy, but I find myself filled with relief as my deadlines came and went, I got everything handed in on time and have already managed to do some baking, reading and tonight I am going to do some writing. Today I went shopping and tomorrow I am going for dinner and cocktails with a friend who I haven't seen for a while. On a little break from doing nothing (a most incredible feeling), I thought I might share a few things I think are pretty and/or make me smile. Happy Weekend. ♥
It's a massive painful process but my essays are finally coming together. It took a while to find the motivation but with this playing practically on repeat in the background, the words starting flowing.
With deadlines fast approaching, I can't help but think about my free time when my essays are all handed in: writing, baking, sleeping, reading, and just enjoying my time. I am now just wishing for time to go faster.
I have recently started watching 'Mad Men'. I am only part of the way through Season One but have found myself invested in the characters, one in particular. Joan Holloway (played by the incredible Christina Hendricks) is by far my favourite.
For a couple of week now I have been reading about Lana Del Rey, seeing her videos posted on various websites and becoming aware of the general praise that seems to be following her. Today, I finally sat down and listened to some of her music and realised that all of the praise is utterly and completely true. Her album is most certainly on my Amazon wishlist.
Having seen in the New Year last night clutching a glass of wine, I couldn't help but think about how quickly the last year seems to have gone and how much I hope to achieve in the following 12 months. As per usual, I have a list of New Year's Resolutions scrawled down in a notebook next to my list of some of my favourite things in the past year, like the best book I read ("Great House" - Nicole Krauss), my favourite song (Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass") and my favourite album (Katy Perry - "Teenage Dream"). I like to remember things, and I like to plan, so in keeping with my resolution to be as organised as I used to be, I am trying to get prepared for my upcoming deadlines. I hope I get to cross a lot of my plans off my list this year, and label them as success.
introspective, adj. having the quality of looking within; examining into one's own thoughts, feelings, or mental condition, or expressing such examination. (OED)
A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.
Snack food in vast quantities. A large cup of tea, 2 sweeteners. Loud music, long books and late nights. Black and white movies, rain storms, big sunglasses, painted nails and a never ending 'to read' list.