Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Pure Procrastination.

It's happened again. That time of year is finally upon us; that glorious season of unpredicatable mood-swings, excessive energy drink consumption and sleeping patterns that will eventually lead to some kind of breakdown. Say hello to exam period. We hate it, we dread it, we promise will prepare for it and come to panic when it arrives. Deadlines are fast approaching and, even though there's time to spare, people are beginning to act like the May 17th is the official date of the apocalyspe. I'm guilty of far too many exam stress habits, the worst being the promise of "I'll start it tomorrow."

Coming back to halls was just the mix of excitement and misery that I expected it to be. I'm missing everyone from back home but the catch-ups with everyone from uni have been great. Today, I went to collect mark from my last essay and started to choose modules for next year and, while these things sound important, they're just ways of putting off the more important things that need doing. The most committed I've been to anything since I've been back was the task of painting my nails red; a task that was a waste of time in the end because it chipped not even half an hour after it was done. My priorities are all wrong right now: I'm more concerned with the formal next Tuesday and all the things that come with that than I am with the assignment deadline that falls two days later.

In an attempt to motivate myself, I went to see what a friend was doing tonight. The visit was not the flying five minute trip I intended, as more friends arrived and it turned into a discussion on deadlines, followed by a conversation about blogs and the different things that people write about, and the reasons why they write at all. I'm writing right now to avoid doing anything else, which isn't the best reason in the world. The truth is, I'm comfortable, curled up against my many pillows with a tube of Pringles and a latte mug full of blackcurrant squash. I'm a mess. I need to adopt the student cliche and I need to sort my life out, but I just can't be bothered. I'm more concerned with the fact that my internet needs refreshing every five minutes, something which I'm sure the tech staff are behind in an attempt to keep us all off Facebook.

I've accepted that I'm not going to do anything tonight and I have found a way to justify this: if the internet is only going to work in five minute bursts, I can't do the work I need to. It's not even possible to conceive of doing anything without the aid of Google, let alone the promise of some kind of social networking as a distraction when it all becomes a bit much ten fifeen minutes after I get started.

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