The state of my desk after an afternoon of poetry analysis and essay planning. This mid-term assessment is already driving me insane and I haven't even started writing it yet. On the plus side, this did give me an excuse to create a new music playlist, the "essay planning" playlist, which consists of all sorts from JLS to Alanis Morrisette. There isn't really much to say in this post, except I have rediscovered my love for William Blake in planning this essay and have been reminded why I hate that Google books; it is always missing the page you want and/or need.
I realised it is now time to stop working though, as I was sat dancing to Ke$ha in my chair for almost ten minutes and got the fright of my life when one of my housemates came in and attempted to catch my attention by waving her hands around. Time for Saturday night TV, methinks...
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