Now, here's the thing. I'm known to giggle, a lot. I can't help it. And it's always at the most imappropriate times, like when someone has fallen over or is getting told off. I don't know where it comes from, but more often than not it will burst out of me, and I will eventually fall into uncontrolled laughter, and more often than not will end up crying as a result. What I like most, though, is laughing at things that are childish and that won't result in someone being offended, such as the above. You always feel better after laughing, dizzy with amusement. And so an explanation about the pictures above: Henry, the house hoover but also the house pet (see him in his house??) clearly adores the red chair, and as for the fridge magnet poem...well, there needs to be an element of crazy injected into every mundane situation.
Henry and Red Chair forever. <3