We came, we lashed, we conquered.
This is round 2 ;)

So we've done it. Returner's. Like Fresher's, but much more epic and with a less severe flu. I only did 4 nights, but they each grew steadily louder and messier. They were some of the best nights out I've had, and I cannot wait for more. House parties, clubs and cocktails will fill my nights this year (and the occasional essay I'm sure) but I can hardly wait. And if this last week has been anything to go by, they are worth looking forward to.
As well as the catch up and the dancing, I've also been getting back to work. Lectures kicked off again today (at 11am. No early starts for me) and I was pleased to discover that it was actually quite fun - not counting the mad rush up the hill between lectures, of course. This year has only been going a week, and already I know it is going to be amazing.
I love you. This year is gunna rock. :) <3
ReplyDeleteI am very excited.
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ReplyDeleteAnd lay off my door. I'm sending it to rehab with L.