My lesson came courtesy of a boy, a boy who is so good with words and knows me so well he can play me like a guitar. He's bad for me and I like him anyway and after months of struggling with my feelings, trying to decipher his, trying to get over him and trying to be his friend I have finally realised that there is just no point: I can't fix this because I am not the only one to blame. I accept responsibility for my actions - namely my inability to say no to him - and I am still waiting for him to accept his. I don't see this happening any time soon so I am finding new ways to vent my anger and disappointment at what happened and the inevitable outcome: I am reading my way through a reading list that has been in the progress of being compiled for the past year and a half, I have started writing (working on a story that I am enjoying putting onto paper) and, just to be drastic and instigate a change, I dyed my hair red.
{Image from weheartit.com}
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