Is fall in love, drop out of college, learn to subsist on water and air, have a species named after me, and ruin my life." - Nicole Krauss: The History of Love
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Plans, Lists, Wishes.
The past few days have been all about plans: I've been planning outfits, for special occasions like my birthday, but also for the summer, when the weather changes and it becomes far too hot for denim. I've been planning what I want to do this summer, what extra things I will do at uni as well as my course, and how I want the story I have been attempting to write for months to end. I'm also getting excited about the upcoming changes in my life: the end of my teens, freedom of not having to read from a list written by someone else, colouring my hair and giving it a brand new style and learning to cook different meals that don't involve bolognese or chicken in any form. As usual, I have been trawling the pages of weheartit between revising and wandering in and out of housemates' rooms, and these are currently some of my favourite finds:
[Potentially the most amazing cake in the world.]
[My very own dream come true.]
[Shoes that I wished I owned.]
[If only...I wish I could justify splurging on stockings and suspenders.]
introspective, adj. having the quality of looking within; examining into one's own thoughts, feelings, or mental condition, or expressing such examination. (OED)
A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.
Snack food in vast quantities. A large cup of tea, 2 sweeteners. Loud music, long books and late nights. Black and white movies, rain storms, big sunglasses, painted nails and a never ending 'to read' list.
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