Is fall in love, drop out of college, learn to subsist on water and air, have a species named after me, and ruin my life." - Nicole Krauss: The History of Love
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Hello World.
I acknowledged a long time ago that one of my biggest flaws is that I overanalyse everything. I like to have a plan, sometimes drawn out years in advance to when anything can take place, and when things don't fall into place, I panic. I love university, and with only a year left I realise that it truly has been the time of my life and that I wish it could go on forever. Alongside these thoughts come panic, the 'what-ifs' of what is to come next, the job I want and everything else for the rest of my life. I know nothing falls into place and that you have to work for everything you want. I am believe with my entire being that we all have a place and a purpose, and we just have to wait for that to be realised. I am still waiting to figure out what exactly that purpose is for me, where I belong and what I am meant to do, as I currently feel like I am going round in circles, but until then, this song is making unbelievably happy and optimistic.
introspective, adj. having the quality of looking within; examining into one's own thoughts, feelings, or mental condition, or expressing such examination. (OED)
A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.
Snack food in vast quantities. A large cup of tea, 2 sweeteners. Loud music, long books and late nights. Black and white movies, rain storms, big sunglasses, painted nails and a never ending 'to read' list.
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